Tale of 2020 – Elvenite

Mathias Dyberg, CEO at Elvenite

On May 4, 2020, I did my first day of work at Elvenite. Covid-19 had taken hold of society and put many families and companies in a state of acute crisis. At Elvenite, we have successfully adapted to the new situation. We have continued to create value and to ensure the realization of the business benefits of our customers’ digital investments.

One of the most important reasons why we have managed this change so well are thanks to you; our customers and our employees’ and the huge commitment you have all showed. You have all proved your big hearts and willingness to contribute to change.

Together, we have implemented entire business systems without any physical meetings. We have carried out complete projects by video meetings and even conducted go-lives remote. Something we had not done before or even considered doing, neither had our customers.

Now, as we move into 2021, I foresee a continued demand for transitioning into data-driven organizations and all that comes with this transition from identifying opportunities to hands-on work with establishing the technical platforms for it. I also notice a growing interest in agile teams as a delivery form to create greater flexibility and include everything from project deliveries to management and innovation in the package deal.

In this annual chronicle, we present some of the highlights of this unusual year and look forward to the coming year. Enjoy the read!

/Mathias Dyberg, CEO at Elvenite.


2021 – From Data-informed to Data-Driven.

The amount of data created is increasing by the day and working with real-time streams and integrating data sources into a platform that enables new combinations and more advanced analytics has shown to be a great advantage for all organizations. This is also the driving force for our new Data-driven offering, and we are proud to be able to provide a wealth of tools to support our customers in becoming data-driven. According to studies, organizations that are data-driven has better conditions for making profitable and sustainable decisions, show an increased growth rate and better competitiveness, as well as a higher degree of innovation.

Read more about our Data Driven offering here.

Agnes Lindell, head of Data Driven at Elvenite

Agnes Lindell, head of Data Driven at Elvenite, gives her reconnaissance for the year to come:

– More and more companies now understand the value of data and the opportunities it creates when you can effectively go from data to decision. Despite this, we still see companies struggling to get rid of system silos, inadequate data quality, and a lack of relevant or up-to-date data sources.

We see organizations sending Excel-sheets by e-mail, trying to increase the availability of relevant data. Or organizations avoiding opportunities such as using predictive models due to lack of competence. But we also see that companies want to invest in new technology, and we predict this interest will increase even more in 2021.

To be successful, the most important thing to start with in 2021 is to establish your roadmap for becoming a Data Driven organization. What needs to be in place, and when? What impact will this have on your organization? Once this is in place, you can get started – the possibilities are unlimited!

2020 – Highlights.

First time remotely implementing Infor M3 Multi Tenant Cloud Suite.

In September, we launched our very first Multi Tenant Cloud Suite for Cernova. Cernova wanted to reduce the number of IT suppliers and upgrade to a modern technology platform. This was the first time we were the main supplier in a Multi Tenant (true cloud) project with our own project management and consultants, and we are proud to say that we delivered on time, on budget, and with a more or less problem-free go live. Our key takeaways are that we learned a lot about how to deliver such a project and added several new tools and applications to our toolbox that we can now use to help more customers in the future. See you in the cloud!

Launching a new digital queuing solution in only 17 days.

This year, we’ve all confirmed that necessity is the mother of invention. Our friends at Coop Värmland realized that the current situation contributed to increased e-commerce, which would mean long queues for the postal agents at their stores. In only 17 days, we developed a new digital queuing solution to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. The digital queue system enables customers to stand in line digitally so that they can be efficient and reduce their time spent in the store. All to reduce the risk of spreading the infection.

Read more here.​​

Digital queuing solution for Coop Värmland

Strengthening our collaboration with Infor.

In June a press release was sent out announcing that we have deepened our collaboration with our longtime friends at Infor, making us Alliance partners.

– The collaboration with Infor not only gives us access to the latest technology. It also means that we can combine Infor’s industry specific CloudSuite with our knowledge of the food industry’s challenges, business and business processes, a combination that is extremely valuable to our customers, said Mathias Dyberg.

Read the full message

New office – Hello Malmö!

In February, our new office opened in Malmö. This gets us closer to our customers in southern Sweden. We are incredibly proud to have gained increased trust in more business, which allows us to continue to grow with a new office, new customers, and more wonderful colleagues. In total, we’ve recruited 13 new employees this year!

Elvenites new office in Malmö

The advantages of becoming an agile organization.

To become even more fast-paced and better able to meet our customers’ needs, our entire organization has switched to an agile way of working. Today, everyone at Elvenite works in agile teams and we can thereby provide better and faster delivery to our customers. Our agile journey has been very successful and we are now proud to offer external assignments within agile project management. Want to learn more about being agile? Contact us!

We’ve launched a new trainee program.

In September, we kick-started our brand new trainee program, which we run together with our corporate group Combined Excellence. For us, it’s important to continue to be a company where seniors and juniors with a mixed competence and perspective thrive and develop together. Our four trainees are spread out in Stockholm, Malmö, and Karlstad and four months into the program, already working in customer projects.

The journey of becoming climate neutral.

We all have a responsibility to our planet, and our vision is to become a climate-neutral company as soon as possible. As consultants, travel is the largest influencing factor for emissions. Therefore, we recently started using an in-house developed automation for emission calculation. We can now efficiently collect and follow up on all data related to our travels. We are also working on our very first sustainability report, which will be available next year!

Oh deer, what a year!

A very strange year is coming to an end. And we would like to send our warmest digital hugs and greetings to all our friends out there – we can hopefully all see each other over a cup of coffee soon. Video calls just aren’t the same. We are truly grateful for all the sacrifices that have been made by each and everyone this year to support and help others.

– From all of us at Elvenite to all of you – Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

secret santa at elvenite

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