From idea to innovation: Elvenite and Lantmännen BioAgri are transforming seed treatment through AI.

In the shadow of tradition, the light of innovation shines brightest. Through the partnership between Elvenite and Lantmännen BioAgri, two pioneers in their respective fields, a new chapter in agricultural history is being written.

The challenge of traditional seed treatment and test cultivation

ThermoSeed, a Swedish innovation used by Lantmännen BioAgri since 2008, marked the beginning of a new era in sustainable seed treatment. By replacing chemicals with hot steam, pests are combated without harming nature. However, this treatment is no simple task. Each seed batch has its unique nuances, and determining the ideal treatment intensity is a complex task. Traditionally, optimal treatment of seed batches was determined through test cultivation. This method involves treating seed samples under different conditions and then allowing them to germinate to identify the best method. But it’s a time-consuming process. From treating the samples to evaluating the results, it can take several weeks, creating delays in an already time-pressed area like agriculture.

Machine learning and data analysis: a revolution in seed treatment

With Elvenite’s expertise in technology and data analysis, and with access to Lantmännen’s extensive data archive from over a decade, we were able to create a machine learning model to meet this challenge, which was seamlessly integrated into Lantmännen’s IT architecture. This model can quickly predict the best treatment intensity for each individual seed batch. In practice, this means that farmers, instead of relying on time-consuming test methods, can now rely on data-driven insights.

Lantmännen BioAgri and Elvenite

The project team on site at Lantmännen BioAgri in Uppsala.

Data-driven insights for more efficient farming

To clarify the model’s effectiveness: for a third of the seed batches, where the model is most confident, it predicts optimal settings with an impressive accuracy of 99,5%. This represents a significant improvement in efficiency and speed.

But the advancements don’t stop there. With each new dataset, the AI model becomes increasingly refined. The day is not far off when the AI system will not only recommend but autonomously determine the optimal treatment intensity.

An interdisciplinary journey towards sustainable agriculture

The Speed Seed project, supported by Lantmännen’s research foundation, is much more than just a technology project. It’s a merger of several disciplines, from biology to data analysis, all with a common vision: to create a sustainable future for agriculture.

The collaboration between Elvenite and Lantmännen BioAgri illustrates how technology can go hand in hand with tradition. When these two worlds meet, we see the potential for the continued development of agriculture. Just as a seed needs both sun and rain to grow, the future of agriculture finds balance and strength in the merger of tradition and new technology.

Previous articles on the project: Lantmännen and elvenite launch research project to treat seeds with artificial intelligence

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